Sunit Vaswani

Amazon Coach

I started my FBA business after I was sick of living in the hustle rat race of Hong Kong and needed a more calmer life. However, I also needed an income to support the lifestyle - this is what drove me to start my FBA business and to date is probably the best decision of my life.

I sold my first brand in 2018 and I'm now building my second brand ready to sell for a tidy profit.

My strengths lie in:

  1. Product Sourcing Experience with China 
  2. Product Selection & Research 
  3. Print on Demand
  4. Setting up & Optimizing PPC for a better ACOS
  5. Technology Geek

I believe no question is not worth asking and I love seeing my students start their businesses to succeed and provide a better life for them and their families, or realise what this may look like for you.

If you’re still reading this, I look forward to working with you.

If we don't get to meet, I wish you all the best of sales and success on your own Amazon journey, you're in for a great ride!



2020 © Aspiring Entrepreneurs.


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Two Step

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