Jason Brown

Amazon Coach

Hi, my name is Jason, and here’s how I can help you create a dream lifestyle like mine thanks to eCommerce.

Who am I?   I’m a dad of two young lads and a baby girl. I run several 6 figure eCommerce stores and I love coaching high school football and basketball in my spare time.

Amazon has helped give me this amazing lifestyle.

It wasn’t always this way though. A few years ago I was slaving away doing 12 hour days.  And ironically I was working for an eCommerce company, coaching their 60 eCommerce coaches.

The good thing was, I got to observe the coaches and got a feel for which coaches got the fastest results for their students, and why.

And today I know the best way to coach, plus all the shortcuts to get people massive results much faster.

I’ve also used my experience to start my own Amazon and eBay stores, and they took off like rockets.  And thanks to my eCommerce income I’m free to spend my days with my family, and coach high school sports.

One of my favorite strategies is to have multiple products lines. This way if one market slows down,  you’ve got others to keep you going.  I can help you with this.

I also know how you can buy in smaller quantities of goods than the normal minimum orders.  This puts you in the game with the big players without investing too much when you start out.

One more thing though, my family and my hobbies are #1 in my life. I love coaching eCommerce students too, but I only put a limited time aside for this and I don’t have spots for everyone.

Get in touch with me to see if you can add me to your team.


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