Lauren Matthews

KX10 Coach

Lauren Matthews has been writing and publishing for over ten years, with publication in academic, educational, indie, and self-publishing markets. Her work ranges from textbooks to literary journals to new YA fantasy. For the last seven years, she has taught creative writing, rhetoric, and composition in higher education.

As a KX10 coach (and masterclass coach), Lauren specializes in every step of your Amazon journey, from profitability assessments to production and publication. She's a fiend for research and loves rooting out the keywords and rhetoric that are most marketable for your target audience. She is ready to help you scale up your book publishing business by optimizing your process for outlines, outsourcing, ghostwriting, advertising, and publication.

She's been fortunate enough to study both sides of the publishing coin: art and passion, deftness and profit. Both are joyful challenges that require study, pattern awareness, and acumen--all of which you have in spades.

Your journey awaits.


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